Package com.blackhillsoftware.smf
package com.blackhillsoftware.smf
Classes common to all SMF record types - see
to get started reading SMF data.-
ClassDescriptionBase class to contain data for records and sectionsException thrown when a field is requested that is outside the bounds of the section.WLM Importance as used in type 72 records etc.Information about EasySMFThrown when a field or section is not available, for example the record is the wrong subtype or a condition is not met.Thrown when a field or section is not available because the process to create it has not been run, eg if a section needs to be reassembled from multiple records.Most functionality moved to com.blackhillsoftware.smf.Data for use with non-SMF data.SmfRecord is the base class for all SMF record types.SmfRecordReader reads SMF records from a z/OS DD, a file, an InputStream or a sequence of byte arrays.Record formats for stream data.Create a SmfRecordReader using the builder pattern.SmfRecordWriter writes SMF records to a DD statement allocated to the job, or an OutputStream.Base class for comparable token data.Data manipulation utility classDisplay the version from the command line.VRecordReader reads variable length records from a z/OS DD, a file, an InputStream or a sequence of byte arrays.