Class EasySmfGsonBuilder


public final class EasySmfGsonBuilder extends Object
Creates a Gson instance with specialized type adapters for serializing SMF data to JSON using EasySMF.



The simplest usage is to use the class to create a Gson instance configured for use with EasySMF, using the default options:

 Gson gson = new EasySmfGsonBuilder().createGson();
 String json = gson.toJson(mySmfRecord);

You can also access the underlying GsonBuilder to specify any Gson options required:

 GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new EasySmfGsonBuilder().getGsonBuilder();
 Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create();
 String json = gson.toJson(mySmfRecord);

Options can be chained in fluent style, so the example above can be re-written as:

 Gson gson = new EasySmfGsonBuilder()
         .getGsonBuilder()    // working with GsonBuilder options from here
 String json = gson.toJson(mySmfRecord);

Customizing the Output

EasySmfGsonBuilder provides several ways to customize the output.

CICS Specific Options

CICS transactions are different to other SMF data because the available fields are defined by a dictionary. CICS transaction information also produces a large quantity of output. For these reasons there are several options specific to CICS transaction information:

  • cicsExcludeGroup(String) Exclude a group of transactions by owner e.g. "DFHWEBB"
  • cicsVerbose(boolean) - default: false

    Verbose format includes all the field identification information in the JSON output eg:

     "values": [
        "cmodHead": "START",
        "cmodName": "DFHCICS",
        "ident": "T005",
        "value": "2019-10-29T14:02:54.383214723Z"
        "cmodHead": "STOP",
        "cmodName": "DFHCICS",
        "ident": "T006",
        "value": "2019-10-29T14:02:54.383481508Z"
    Non-verbose format only includes field names:
      "start": "2019-10-29T14:02:54.383214723Z",
      "stop": "2019-10-29T14:02:54.383481508Z",
  • cicsClockDetail(boolean) - default: true

    Indicates whether CICS clock fields are complex values including the timer value, count and flags fields. To reduce the amount of output set this to false and only the timer value in seconds will be provided.

Type Adapters

EasySmfGsonBuilder sets up TypeAdapters for the following data types used in EasySMF:

  • EasySMF records and sections
  • java.time Classes:
    • Duration
    • Instant
    • LocalDate
    • LocalDateTime
    • LocalTime
    • OffsetDateTime
    • OffsetTime
    • Period
    • ZonedDateTime
    • ZoneId
    • ZoneOffset
  • byte[] byte array

It also provides the option to modify the formatting for floating point values to avoid the use of scientific notation which makes the JSON more (human) readable.

  • Constructor Details

    • EasySmfGsonBuilder

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder()
      Create an EasySmfGsonBuilder instance
  • Method Details

    • getGsonBuilder

      public GsonBuilder getGsonBuilder()
      Get the underlying GsonBuilder for this class, allowing additional GsonBuilder options to be specified.
    • createGson

      public Gson createGson()
      Create the Gson instance configured to serialize SMF data from EasySMF records and sections into JSON.
      the Gson instance
    • includeRawValues

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder includeRawValues(boolean value)
      Indicate whether the ...RawValue() entries should be included in the output where they are provided, eg java.time entries where the value is converted to Duration, LocalDateTime, Seconds etc.

      Default: false

      value - true or false
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • includeSectionType

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder includeSectionType(boolean value)
      Indicate whether a "sectionType" entry should be added to each section with name of the section class. Useful when the field name doesn't specifically indicate the type e.g. CICS statistics sections where the sections are specialized types of a base class.

      Default: false

      value - true or false
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • durationAsDuration

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder durationAsDuration(boolean value)
      Indicate whether Duration entries for time values (CPU time etc) should be included. See also durationAsSeconds(boolean)

      Default: false

      value - true or false
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • durationAsSeconds

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder durationAsSeconds(boolean value)
      Indicate whether time values (CPU time etc) converted to seconds should be included. See also durationAsDuration(boolean)

      Default: true

      value - true or false
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • timesAsEpochSeconds

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder timesAsEpochSeconds(boolean value)
      Indicate whether time values (ZonedDateTime, OffsetDateTime, Instant) should be expressed as seconds from the Unix epoch

      Default: false

      value - true or false
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • includeUnsetFlags

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder includeUnsetFlags(boolean value)
      Indicate whether flags returned as boolean values should be included if the flag is not set (i.e. the value is zero/false)

      Default: true - values are always included

      value - true or false
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • includeDeprecated

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder includeDeprecated(boolean value)
      Indicate whether fields that are marked as Deprecated in the EasySMF API should be included

      Default: false

      value - true or false
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • setPrettyPrinting

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder setPrettyPrinting()
      Call setPrettyPrinting() on the underlying GsonBuilder
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • cicsVerbose

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder cicsVerbose(boolean value)
      Export CICS transaction data in verbose format (true/false).

      Verbose format includes the owner name (e.g. DFHCICS), field identifier (e.g. T005) and informal name (e.g. START). Otherwise only the informal name is included, or the informal name combined with the identifier if the informal name is not unique (e.g. SCUSRHWM_A033).

      value - true/false, default false.
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • includeZeroValues

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder includeZeroValues(boolean value)
      Include fields with zero values in the output (true/false).

      SMF data typically includes many fields with zero values. To reduce the amount of JSON generated, set includeZeroValues(false) to omit zero values from the generated JSON.

      value - true/false, default true.
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • includeEmptyStrings

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder includeEmptyStrings(boolean value)
      Include fields with empty strings in the output (true/false).

      SMF data can include many fields with empty string values. To reduce the amount of JSON generated, set includeEmptyStrings(false) to omit empty string values from the generated JSON.

      value - true/false, default true.
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • cicsClockDetail

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder cicsClockDetail(boolean value)
      Include detailed data for CICS clocks (true/false).

      CICS clock values include a timer value, a count field and flags. To reduce the amount of JSON generated, you can set cicsClockDetail to false and only the timer value will be included in the output.


      • cicsClockDetail(true):
      • cicsClockDetail(false):

      Note: You can only addEntry(Class, String, Object) or calculateEntry(Class, String, Function) values for CICS clocks if cicsClockDetail is true.

      value - true/false, default true.
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • cicsExcludeGroup

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder cicsExcludeGroup(String name)
      Exclude a group of fields from CICS transaction data
      name - The owner name of the group e.g. "DFHWEBB"
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • exclude

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder exclude(String name)
      Exclude a section or field by name. The name is the name of the section or field in the parent section, e.g. smf30cpt or excpSections
      name - The name of the section or field
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • exclude

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder exclude(Class<? extends SmfData> targetType, String name)
      Exclude a section or field from a specific record or section type by name.
      targetType - The class for the exclusion, e.g. ProcessorAccountingSection.class or Smf30Record.class
      name - The name of the section or field e.g. smf30cpt or excpSections
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • exclude

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder exclude(MonitoringField field)
      Exclude a CICS monitoring field.
      field - the CICS MonitoringField
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • include

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder include(String name)
      Include a section or field by name. The name is the name of the section or field in the parent section, e.g. smf30cpt or excpSections. Include overrides any exclude options e.g. cicsExcludeGroup(String) includeZeroValues(boolean), durationAsDuration(boolean)
      name - The name of the section or field
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • include

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder include(MonitoringField field)
      Include a CICS monitoring field.
      field - the CICS MonitoringField
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • include

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder include(Class<? extends SmfData> targetType, String name)
      Include a section or field from a specific record or section type by name. Include overrides any exclude options e.g. cicsExcludeGroup(String) includeZeroValues(boolean), durationAsDuration(boolean)
      targetType - The class for the exclusion, e.g. ProcessorAccountingSection.class or Smf30Record.class
      name - The name of the section or field e.g. smf30cpt or excpSections
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • alias

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder alias(Class<? extends SmfData> targetType, String fromName, String toName)
      Rename a section or field from a specific record or section type.
      targetType - The class for the alias, e.g. ProcessorAccountingSection.class or Smf30Record.class
      fromName - The name of the section or field e.g. smf30cpt or excpSections
      toName - The desired name of the section or field
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • avoidScientificNotation

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder avoidScientificNotation(boolean value)
      Use decimal numbers instead of scientific notation for a wider range of double and float values (true/false). This makes values easier to read by a human, particularly when looking at small numbers e.g. transaction CPU times.

      Default: false - Gson default scientific notation will be used

      value - true or false
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • decimalPlaces

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder decimalPlaces(int value)
      Set the maximum number of decimal places to be used in double and floating point numbers (1-9). Implies avoidScientificNotation(true).

      Default: no maximum - default formatting will be used.

      value - maximum number of decimal places, from 1 to 9.
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • addEntry

      public EasySmfGsonBuilder addEntry(Class<? extends SmfData> targetType, String name, Object value)
      Add a fixed value to the generated JSON for every record or section of a particular type
       Gson gson = new EasySmfGsonBuilder()
                     "SMF Data Lost")
      targetType - The class to to add data to, e.g. Smf7Record.class
      name - The JSON entry name e.g. "event"
      value - The JSON entry value e.g. "SMF data lost"
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder
    • calculateEntry

      public <T extends SmfData> EasySmfGsonBuilder calculateEntry(Class<T> targetType, String name, Function<T,Object> value)
      Add a calculated value to the JSON for every record or section of a particular type
       Gson gson = new EasySmfGsonBuilder()
                           r30 -> { return Duration.between(
                                           r30.smfDate());} )
      Type Parameters:
      T - Represents the type of the object input to the calculation function (the same class as the targetType parameter)
      targetType - The class to to add data to, e.g. Smf30Record.class
      name - The JSON entry name e.g. "day_of_week"
      value - The calculation to produce the value e.g. r30 -> { return r30.smfDate().getDayOfWeek();}
      this EasySmfGsonBuilder