public final class Smf110Record extends SmfRecord
Mapping for CICS SMF type 110 record.

Typical steps to process CICS Smf110Records are:

  1. Read SMF records using the SmfRecordReader class
  2. Check the record type and other relevant attributes of each SmfRecord to see whether it is one you are interested in
  3. Create the specific record type from the SmfRecord e.g.
  4. Process information from the record as required

CICS Record Compression

Records compressed with CSRCESRV will be automatically expanded when the Data Section is accessed.

Accessing Record Data

Monitoring Performance Records

Accessing data from CICS monitoring performance records is slightly different to other SMF records because the data needs to be accessed via a Dictionary.

Dictionary records are handled automatically, however you cannot access the data from a record before a related dictionary record has been seen. You can check whether a dictionary record is available using Smf110Record.haveDictionary() or simply concatenate all required dictionary records ahead of the data records in the input data.

Specific fields are defined by name and type using entries from com.blackhillsoftware.smf.cics.monitoring. Then Performance records are read from the SMF record, and specific fields accessed using getField(...) methods or variations.


 try (SmfRecordReader reader = 
             .include(110, Smf110Record.SMFMNSTY))     // include only type 110 subtype 1 records
     for (SmfRecord record : reader)                   // read each record                                                    
         Smf100Record r110 = Smf110Record.from(record);
         if (r110.haveDictionary())
             for (PerformanceRecord perfdata : 
                 r110.performanceRecords())            // process 0 or more PerformanceRecord sections
                 String txName = perfdata.getField(Field.TRAN);
                 ZonedDateTime start = perfdata.getField(Field.START);
                 ZonedDateTime stop = perfdata.getField(Field.STOP);
                 double dispatch = perfdata.getFieldTimerSeconds(Field.USRDISPT);
                 //...  process data                                    
 // reader is automatically closed at end of try with resources block.

Statistics Records

CICS records typically contain multiple data sections.

There are 2 ways of accessing statistics data:

statisticsDataSections() returns a List of StatisticsDataSection with all statistics sections from the record. The members of the list are the specialized StatisticsDataSection subclasses and can be cast to a subclass after checking StatisticsDataSection.stid().

Sections of a specific type are returned in a List<E> of that type. If there are no sections of the type in the record an empty List is returned. This allows you to iterate over the sections without explicitly checking whether the sections exist in the record - an empty list will iterate 0 times.


The following code reads all FileControlStatistics sections from type 110 SMF records from the DD INPUT.
 try (SmfRecordReader reader = 
             .include(110, Smf110Record.SMFSTSTY))  // include only type 110 subtype 2 records
     for (SmfRecord record : reader)                // read each record                                                    
         Smf100Record r110 = Smf110Record.from(record);
         for (FileControlStatistics fc : 
             r110.fileControlStatistics())          // process 0 or more FileControlStatistics sections
             //...   process FileControlStatistics sections here
 // reader is automatically closed at end of try with resources block.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Smf110Record

      public Smf110Record(byte[] data)
      Constructs an Smf110Record from the specified byte array.
      data - a byte array containing the SMF record data
    • Smf110Record

      public Smf110Record(SmfRecord record)
      Constructs a new Smf110Record from an existing SMF record. The 2 records share the same data byte array.
      record - an existing SMF record
  • Method Details

    • from

      public static Smf110Record from(SmfRecord record)
      Constructs a new Smf110Record from an existing SmfRecord. The 2 records share the same data byte array.
      record - an existing SmfRecord
    • from

      public static Smf110Record from(byte[] data)
      Constructs an Smf110Record from the specified byte array.
      data - a byte array containing the SMF record data
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Data
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Description copied from class: Data
      Tests equality, returns true if data arrays contain the same data, and objects are of the same type.
      equals in class Data
      See Also:
    • usedCompression

      public boolean usedCompression()
      Was the data used to create this Smf110Record compressed using CSRCESRV?
      true if the record data was compressed
    • compressed

      public boolean compressed()
      Is the data in this Smf110Record compressed using CSRCESRV?
      true if the record data is compressed
    • decompress

      public Smf110Record decompress()
      Decompress the data and return a new Smf110Record created from the uncompressed data. Useful if you want to write the uncompressed record to a new file.
      a Smf110Record without CSRCESRV compression
    • dictionariesFromDD

      public static int dictionariesFromDD(String ddname) throws IOException
      Prime the collection of CICS dictionaries from a DD allocated to the job. Use this method to load the dictionaries if you need to load dictionaries from somewhere different to the main data source, e.g. if you are reading from a logstream which might not contain dictionaries.
      ddname - the DD name to read
      the number of dictionaries found
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • dictionariesFromName

      public static int dictionariesFromName(String name) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
      Prime the collection of CICS dictionaries from a file or DD name using the same syntax as SmfRecordReader.fromName(String). Use this method to load the dictionaries if you need to load dictionaries from somewhere different to the main data source, e.g. if you are reading from a logstream which might not contain dictionaries.
      name - the name of the data source
      the number of dictionaries found
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • dictionariesFromStream

      public static int dictionariesFromStream(InputStream stream) throws IOException
      Prime the collection of CICS dictionaries from an InputStream. Use this method to load the dictionaries if you need to load dictionaries from somewhere different to the main data source, e.g. if you are reading from a logstream which might not contain dictionaries.
      stream - the input stream to read
      the number of dictionaries found
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • cicsInstance

      public CicsInstanceId cicsInstance()
      Get the CICS Instance ID used to select the dictionary to use to read the record
      the CICS instance id for this record.
    • jcProductSection

      public JcProductSection jcProductSection()
      Get the JC SMF product section.
      a JcProductSection
      NotAvailableException - if this is not a JC record (subtype = 0)
    • mnProductSection

      public MnProductSection mnProductSection()
      Get the MN SMF product section.
      a MnProductSection
      NotAvailableException - if this is not a MN record (subtype = 1)
    • mnHeader

      public MnHeader mnHeader()
      Get the MN SMF header section.
      a MnHeader
      NotAvailableException - if this is not a MN record (subtype = 1)
    • stProductSection

      public StProductSection stProductSection()
      Get the ST SMF product section.
      a StProductSection
      NotAvailableException - if this is not a ST, XQ, CF or NC record (subtype = 2, 3, 4 or 5)
    • statisticsDataSections

      public List<StatisticsDataSection> statisticsDataSections()
      Get a List containing Statistics Data Sections from the record. In most case the sections in the list will be specialized classes extending StatisticsDataSection.
      a list of StatisticsDataSection (possibly empty)
    • transactionManagerGlobalStatistics

      public List<TransactionManagerGlobalStatistics> transactionManagerGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Transaction Manager Global Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of TransactionManagerGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • transactionManagerTransactionStatistics

      public List<TransactionManagerTransactionStatistics> transactionManagerTransactionStatistics()
      Get a List containing Transaction Manager Transaction Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of TransactionManagerTransactionStatistics (possibly empty)
    • transactionManagerTclassStatistics

      public List<TransactionManagerTclassStatistics> transactionManagerTclassStatistics()
      Get a List containing Transaction Manager Transaction Class Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of TransactionManagerTclassStatistics (possibly empty)
    • storageDomainSubpoolStatistics

      public List<StorageDomainSubpoolStatistics> storageDomainSubpoolStatistics()
      Get a List containing Storage Domain Subpool Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of StorageDomainSubpoolStatistics (possibly empty)
    • fepiPoolStatistics

      public List<FepiPoolStatistics> fepiPoolStatistics()
      Get a List containing FEPI Pool Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of FepiPoolStatistics (possibly empty)
    • fepiConnectionStatistics

      public List<FepiConnectionStatistics> fepiConnectionStatistics()
      Get a List containing FEPI Connection Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of FepiConnectionStatistics (possibly empty)
    • fepiTargetStatistics

      public List<FepiTargetStatistics> fepiTargetStatistics()
      Get a List containing FEPI Target Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of FepiTargetStatistics (possibly empty)
    • storageTaskSubpoolStatistics

      public List<StorageTaskSubpoolStatistics> storageTaskSubpoolStatistics()
      Get a List containing Storage Task Subpool Statistics Sections from the record

      Use storageTaskSubpoolStatisticsEntries() to get a List containing all the StorageTaskSubpoolStatisticsEntry sections directly.

      a list of StorageTaskSubpoolStatistics (possibly empty)
    • storageTaskSubpoolStatisticsEntries

      public List<StorageTaskSubpoolStatisticsEntry> storageTaskSubpoolStatisticsEntries()
      Get a List containing Storage Task Subpool Statistics Entries from the record
      a list of StorageTaskSubpoolStatisticsEntry (possibly empty)
    • vtamGlobalStatistics

      public List<VtamGlobalStatistics> vtamGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing VTAM Global Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of VtamGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • programManagerGlobalStatistics

      public List<ProgramManagerGlobalStatistics> programManagerGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Program Manager Global Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of ProgramManagerGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • terminalAutoinstallStatistics

      public List<TerminalAutoinstallStatistics> terminalAutoinstallStatistics()
      Get a List containing Terminal Autoinstall Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of TerminalAutoinstallStatistics (possibly empty)
    • loaderPublicProgramStatistics

      public List<LoaderPublicProgramStatistics> loaderPublicProgramStatistics()
      Get a List containing Loader Public Program Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of LoaderPublicProgramStatistics (possibly empty)
    • dbctlUnsolicitedStatistics

      public List<DbctlUnsolicitedStatistics> dbctlUnsolicitedStatistics()
      Get a List containing Dbctl Unsolicited Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of DbctlUnsolicitedStatistics (possibly empty)
    • storageManagerGlobalStatistics

      public List<StorageManagerGlobalStatistics> storageManagerGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Storage Manager Global Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of StorageManagerGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • storageManagerDsaStatistics

      public List<StorageManagerDsaStatistics> storageManagerDsaStatistics()
      Get a List containing Storage Manager Dsa Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of StorageManagerDsaStatistics (possibly empty)
    • loaderGlobalStatistics

      public List<LoaderGlobalStatistics> loaderGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Loader Global Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of LoaderGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • loaderGlobalDsaStatistics

      public List<LoaderGlobalDsaStatistics> loaderGlobalDsaStatistics()
      Get a List containing Loader Global DSA Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of LoaderGlobalDsaStatistics (possibly empty)
    • loaderPublicLibraryStatistics

      public List<LoaderPublicLibraryStatistics> loaderPublicLibraryStatistics()
      Get a List containing Loader Public Library Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of LoaderPublicLibraryStatistics (possibly empty)
    • loaderPrivateLibraryStatistics

      public List<LoaderPrivateLibraryStatistics> loaderPrivateLibraryStatistics()
      Get a List containing Loader Private Library Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of LoaderPrivateLibraryStatistics (possibly empty)
    • terminalResidStatistics

      public List<TerminalStatistics> terminalResidStatistics()
      Get a List containing Terminal RESID Statistics Sections from the record (TerminalStatistics sections where A06ID = A06IDR)
      a list of TerminalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • terminalBtamLineStatistics

      public List<TerminalStatistics> terminalBtamLineStatistics()
      Get a List containing BTAM Line Statistics Sections from the record (TerminalStatistics sections where A06ID = A06IDL)
      a list of TerminalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • loaderPrivateProgramStatistics

      public List<LoaderPrivateProgramStatistics> loaderPrivateProgramStatistics()
      Get a List containing Loader Private Program Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of LoaderPrivateProgramStatistics (possibly empty)
    • lsrPoolStatistics

      public List<LsrPoolStatistics> lsrPoolStatistics()
      Get a List containing LSR Pool Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of LsrPoolStatistics (possibly empty)
    • lsrPoolFileStatistics

      public List<LsrPoolFileStatistics> lsrPoolFileStatistics()
      Get a List containing LSR Pool File Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of LsrPoolFileStatistics (possibly empty)
    • lsrPoolFileTotals

      public List<LsrPoolFileStatistics> lsrPoolFileTotals()
      Get a List containing LSR Pool File Statistics (Totals) Sections from the record
      a list of LsrPoolFileStatistics (possibly empty)
    • LsrPoolFileTotals

      @Deprecated public List<LsrPoolFileStatistics> LsrPoolFileTotals()
      name beginning with uppercase is inconsistent with other methods use lsrPoolFileTotals()
      Get a List containing LSR Pool File Statistics (Totals) Sections from the record
    • transientDataQueueStatistics

      public List<TransientDataQueueStatistics> transientDataQueueStatistics()
      Get a List containing Transient Data Queue Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of TransientDataQueueStatistics (possibly empty)
    • transientDataGlobalStatistics

      public List<TransientDataGlobalStatistics> transientDataGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Transient Data Global Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of TransientDataGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • securityDomainGlobalStatistics

      public List<SecurityDomainGlobalStatistics> securityDomainGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Security Domain Global Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of SecurityDomainGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • temporaryStorageStatistics

      public List<TemporaryStorageStatistics> temporaryStorageStatistics()
      Get a List containing Temporary Storage Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of TemporaryStorageStatistics (possibly empty)
    • iscIrcSystemStatistics

      public List<IscIrcSystemStatistics> iscIrcSystemStatistics()
      Get a List containing ISC/IRC System Statistics from the record
      a list of IscIrcSystemStatistics (possibly empty)
    • iscIrcSystemTotals

      public List<IscIrcSystemStatistics> iscIrcSystemTotals()
      Get a List containing ISC/IRC System Statistics (Totals) from the record
      a list of IscIrcSystemStatistics (possibly empty)
    • iscLuitSntStatistics

      public List<IscLuitSntStatistics> iscLuitSntStatistics()
      Get a List containing ISC LUIT & SNT Management Statistics from the record
      a list of IscLuitSntStatistics (possibly empty)
    • userDomainGlobalStatistics

      public List<UserDomainGlobalStatistics> userDomainGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing User Domain Global Statistics from the record
      a list of UserDomainGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • dispatcherGlobalStatistics

      public List<DispatcherGlobalStatistics> dispatcherGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Dispatcher Global Statistics from the record
      a list of DispatcherGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • tableManagerGlobalStatistics

      public List<TableManagerGlobalStatistics> tableManagerGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Table Manager Global Statistics from the record
      a list of TableManagerGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • tableManagerTableStatistics

      public List<TableManagerTableStatistics> tableManagerTableStatistics()
      Get a List containing Table Manager Table Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of TableManagerTableStatistics (possibly empty)
    • dispatcherMvsTcbGlobalStatistics

      public List<DispatcherMvsTcbGlobalStatistics> dispatcherMvsTcbGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Dispatcher MVSTCB Global Statistics from the record
      a list of DispatcherMvsTcbGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • dispatcherMvsTcbResourceStatistics

      public List<DispatcherMvsTcbResourceStatistics> dispatcherMvsTcbResourceStatistics()
      Get a List containing Dispatcher MVSTCB Resource Statistics from the record
      a list of DispatcherMvsTcbResourceStatistics (possibly empty)
    • statisticsStatistics

      public List<StatisticsStatistics> statisticsStatistics()
      Get a List containing Statistics Domain Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of StatisticsStatistics (possibly empty)
    • fileControlStatistics

      public List<FileControlStatistics> fileControlStatistics()
      Get a List containing File Control Statistics from the record
      a list of FileControlStatistics (possibly empty)
    • mqConnectionGlobalStatistics

      public List<MqConnectionGlobalStatistics> mqConnectionGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing MQ Connection Global Statistics from the record
      a list of MqConnectionGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • iscIrcModeStatistics

      public List<IscIrcModeStatistics> iscIrcModeStatistics()
      Get a List containing ISC/IRC Mode Statistics from the record
      a list of IscIrcModeStatistics (possibly empty)
    • monitoringGlobalStatistics

      public List<MonitoringGlobalStatistics> monitoringGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Monitoring Global Statistics from the record
      a list of MonitoringGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • monitoringTransactionStatistics

      public List<MonitoringTransactionStatistics> monitoringTransactionStatistics()
      Get a List containing Monitoring Transaction Statistics from the record
      a list of MonitoringTransactionStatistics (possibly empty)
    • transactionDumpcodeStatistics

      public List<TransactionDumpcodeStatistics> transactionDumpcodeStatistics()
      Get a List containing Transaction Dump Code Statistics from the record
      a list of TransactionDumpcodeStatistics (possibly empty)
    • transactionDumpGlobalStatistics

      public List<TransactionDumpGlobalStatistics> transactionDumpGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Transaction Dump Global Statistics from the record
      a list of TransactionDumpGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • systemDumpcodeStatistics

      public List<SystemDumpcodeStatistics> systemDumpcodeStatistics()
      Get a List containing System Dump Code Statistics from the record
      a list of SystemDumpCodeStatistics (possibly empty)
    • systemDumpGlobalStatistics

      public List<SystemDumpGlobalStatistics> systemDumpGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing System Dump Global Statistics from the record
      a list of SystemDumpGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • logManagerGlobalStatistics

      public List<LogManagerGlobalStatistics> logManagerGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Log Manager Global Statistics from the record
      a list of LogManagerGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • logManagerJournalStatistics

      public List<LogManagerJournalStatistics> logManagerJournalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Log Manager Journal Statistics from the record
      a list of LogManagerJournalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • logManagerLogstreamStatistics

      public List<LogManagerLogstreamStatistics> logManagerLogstreamStatistics()
      Get a List containing Log Manager Logstream Statistics from the record
      a list of LogManagerLogstreamStatistics (possibly empty)
    • enqueueManagerGlobalStatistics

      public List<EnqueueManagerGlobalStatistics> enqueueManagerGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Enqueue Manager Global Statistics from the record
      a list of EnqueueManagerGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • enqueuePoolStatistics

      public List<EnqueuePoolStatistics> enqueuePoolStatistics()
      Get a List containing Enqueue Pool Statistics Sections from the record
      a list of EnqueuePoolStatistics (possibly empty)
    • recoveryManagerGlobalStatistics

      public List<RecoveryManagerGlobalStatistics> recoveryManagerGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Recovery Manager Global Statistics from the record
      a list of RecoveryManagerGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • resLifeBundleStatistics

      public List<ResLifeBundleStatistics> resLifeBundleStatistics()
      Get a List containing ResLife Statistics for Bundles from the record
      a list of ResLifeBundleStatistics (possibly empty)
    • webUrimapGlobalStatistics

      public List<WebUrimapGlobalStatistics> webUrimapGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Web Domain (Urimap) Global Statistics from the record
      a list of WebUrimapGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • db2GlobalStatistics

      public List<Db2GlobalStatistics> db2GlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing CICS/DB2 Global statistics from the record
      a list of Db2GlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • db2ResourceStatistics

      public List<Db2ResourceStatistics> db2ResourceStatistics()
      Get a List containing DB2 Resource Statistics from the record
      a list of Db2ResourceStatistics (possibly empty)
    • webUrimapResourceStatistics

      public List<WebUrimapResourceStatistics> webUrimapResourceStatistics()
      Get a List containing Web Domain (Urimap) Resource Statistics from the record
      a list of WebUrimapResourceStatistics (possibly empty)
    • pipelineStatistics

      public List<PipelineStatistics> pipelineStatistics()
      Get a List containing Pipeline Statistics from the record
      a list of PipelineStatistics (possibly empty)
    • pipelineWebserviceStatistics

      public List<PipelineWebserviceStatistics> pipelineWebserviceStatistics()
      Get a List containing Pipeline Webservice Statistics from the record
      a list of PipelineWebserviceStatistics (possibly empty)
    • socketsGlobalStatistics

      public List<SocketsGlobalStatistics> socketsGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Sockets Global Statistics from the record
      a list of SocketsGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • socketsServiceStatistics

      public List<SocketsServiceStatistics> socketsServiceStatistics()
      Get a List containing TCP/IP Service (Sockets) Service Statistics from the record
      a list of SocketsServiceStatistics (possibly empty)
    • ipconnStatistics

      public List<IpconnStatistics> ipconnStatistics()
      Get a List containing IPCONN Statistics from the record
      a list of IpconnStatistics (possibly empty)
    • atomserviceStatistics

      public List<AtomserviceStatistics> atomserviceStatistics()
      Get a List containing Web 2.0 Domain Atomservice Statistics from the record
      a list of AtomserviceStatistics (possibly empty)
    • doctemplateResourceStatistics

      public List<DoctemplateResourceStatistics> doctemplateResourceStatistics()
      Get a List containing Doctemplate Resource Statistics from the record
      a list of DoctemplateResourceStatistics (possibly empty)
    • xmlTransformStatistics

      public List<XmlTransformStatistics> xmlTransformStatistics()
      Get a List containing ML Domain XML Transform Statistics from the record
      a list of XmlTransformStatistics (possibly empty)
    • jvmServerStatistics

      public List<JvmServerStatistics> jvmServerStatistics()
      Get a List containing JVM Server Statistics from the record
      a list of JvmServerStatistics (possibly empty)
    • publicJvmProgramStatistics

      public List<PublicJvmProgramStatistics> publicJvmProgramStatistics()
      Get a List containing Public JVM Program Statistics from the record
      a list of PublicJvmProgramStatistics (possibly empty)
    • publicProgramdefStatistics

      public List<PublicProgramdefStatistics> publicProgramdefStatistics()
      Get a List containing Public Programdef Statistics from the record
      a list of PublicProgramdefStatistics (possibly empty)
    • eventbindingGlobalStatistics

      public List<EventbindingGlobalStatistics> eventbindingGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Eventbinding Global Statistics from the record
      a list of EventbindingGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • eventBindingResourceStatistics

      public List<EventBindingResourceStatistics> eventBindingResourceStatistics()
      Get a List containing EventBinding Resource Statistics from the record
      a list of EventBindingResourceStatistics (possibly empty)
    • eventProcessGlobalStatistics

      public List<EventProcessGlobalStatistics> eventProcessGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing EventProcess Global Statistics from the record
      a list of EventProcessGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • capturespecResourceStatistics

      public List<CapturespecResourceStatistics> capturespecResourceStatistics()
      Get a List containing Capturespec Resource Statistics from the record
      a list of CapturespecResourceStatistics (possibly empty)
    • eventProcessResourceStatistics

      public List<EventProcessResourceStatistics> eventProcessResourceStatistics()
      Get a List containing Eventprocess Resource Statistics from the record
      a list of EventProcessResourceStatistics (possibly empty)
    • policyStatistics

      public List<PolicyStatistics> policyStatistics()
      Get a List containing Policy Statistics from the record
      a list of PolicyStatistics (possibly empty)
    • privateJvmProgramStatistics

      public List<PrivateJvmProgramStatistics> privateJvmProgramStatistics()
      Get a List containing Private JVM Program Statistics from the record
      a list of PrivateJvmProgramStatistics (possibly empty)
    • privateProgramdefStatistics

      public List<PrivateProgramdefStatistics> privateProgramdefStatistics()
      Get a List containing Private Programdef Statistics from the record
      a list of PrivateProgramdefStatistics (possibly empty)
    • mqMonitorStatistics

      public List<MqMonitorStatistics> mqMonitorStatistics()
      Get a List containing MQ Monitor Statistics from the record
      a list of MqMonitorStatistics (possibly empty)
    • asynchronousServiceGlobalStatistics

      public List<AsynchronousServiceGlobalStatistics> asynchronousServiceGlobalStatistics()
      Get a List containing Asynchronous Service Global Statistics from the record
      a list of AsynchronousServiceGlobalStatistics (possibly empty)
    • nodeJsAppStatistics

      public List<NodeJsAppStatistics> nodeJsAppStatistics()
      Get a List containing Node.js App Statistics from the record
      a list of NodeJsAppStatistics (possibly empty)
    • tlsCipherStatistics

      public List<TlsCipherStatistics> tlsCipherStatistics()
      Get a List containing Node.js App Statistics from the record
      a list of NodeJsAppStatistics (possibly empty)
    • xqListStructureStatistics

      public List<XqListStructureStatistics> xqListStructureStatistics()
      Get a List containing XQ List Structure Statistics from the record
      a list of XqListStructureStatistics (possibly empty)
    • xqQueueBufferPoolStatistics

      public List<XqQueueBufferPoolStatistics> xqQueueBufferPoolStatistics()
      Get a List containing XQ Queue BufferPool Statistics from the record
      a list of XqQueueBufferPoolStatistics (possibly empty)
    • xqServerStorageStatistics

      public List<XqServerStorageStatistics> xqServerStorageStatistics()
      Get a List containing XQ Server Storage Statistics from the record
      a list of XqServerStorageStatistics (possibly empty)
    • cfListStructureStatistics

      public List<CfListStructureStatistics> cfListStructureStatistics()
      Get a List containing CF List Structure Statistics from the record
      a list of CfListStructureStatistics (possibly empty)
    • cfTableStatistics

      public List<CfTableStatistics> cfTableStatistics()
      Get a List containing CF Table Statistics from the record
      a list of CfTableStatistics (possibly empty)
    • cfRequestStatistics

      public List<CfRequestStatistics> cfRequestStatistics()
      Get a List containing CF Data Table Request Statistics from the record
      a list of CfRequestStatistics (possibly empty)
    • cfServerStorageStatistics

      public List<CfServerStorageStatistics> cfServerStorageStatistics()
      Get a List containing CF Server Storage Statistics from the record
      a list of CfServerStorageStatistics (possibly empty)
    • ncListStructureStatistics

      public List<NcListStructureStatistics> ncListStructureStatistics()
      Get a List containing Named Counter List Structure Statistics from the record
      a list of NcListStructureStatistics (possibly empty)
    • ncStorageStatistics

      public List<NcStorageStatistics> ncStorageStatistics()
      Get a List containing Named Counter Storage Statistics from the record
      a list of NcStorageStatistics (possibly empty)
    • dictionaryEntries

      public List<DictionaryEntry> dictionaryEntries()
      Get a List containing Monitoring Dictionary Entries from the record
      a list of DictionaryEntry (possibly empty)
    • dictionary

      public Dictionary dictionary()
      Get a Dictionary containing Dictionary Entries from the record. For Monitoring Class Dictionary records, this returns the dictionary. For Monitoring Class Performance records, it returns a Dictionary if a dictionary for this CICS instance has been seen previously, otherwise null.

      In other cases it returns null.

      Causes the current dictionary for this CICS instance to be linked to this record. If a new dictionary for this CICS instance is encountered the original dictionary will still be used to access the fields in this record (unless there is no current dictionary i.e. this method returns null).

      a Dictionary, or null
    • haveDictionary

      public boolean haveDictionary()
      Return true if a dictionary is available for this record, i.e. this is a dictionary record, or a dictionary record for this CICS instance has previously been processed.

      Causes the current dictionary for this CICS instance to be linked to this record. If a new dictionary for this CICS instance is encountered the original dictionary will still be used to access the fields in this record (unless there is no current dictionary i.e. this method returns false).

      boolean true if a dictionary is available
    • fieldConnectors

      public List<Integer> fieldConnectors()
      Get a List containing Monitoring Field Connectors from the record
      a list of Integer (possibly empty)
    • performanceRecords

      public List<PerformanceRecord> performanceRecords()
      Get a List containing Monitoring performance records from the record
      a list of MonitoringPerformanceRecord (possibly empty)
    • exceptionData

      public List<ExceptionData> exceptionData()
      Get a List containing Exception Data Entries from the record
      a list of ExceptionData (possibly empty)
    • transactionResourceRecords

      public List<TransactionResourceRecord> transactionResourceRecords()
      Get a List containing Transaction Resource Records from the record
      a list of TransactionResourceRecord (possibly empty)
    • identityRecords

      public List<IdentityRecord> identityRecords()
      Get a List containing Identity Records from the record
      a list of IdentityRecord (possibly empty)
    • smflen

      public int smflen()
      SMFLEN value.
      int SMFLEN value
    • smfseg

      public int smfseg()
      SMFSEG value.
      int SMFSEG value
    • smfflg

      public int smfflg()
      SMFFLG value.
      int SMFFLG value
    • smfesa

      public boolean smfesa()
      Return true if smfflg() equals SMFESA.
      boolean smfflg() equals SMFESA

      SMFESA = 0xC0

    • smfrty

      public int smfrty()
      SMFRTY value.
      int SMFRTY value
    • smftme

      public LocalTime smftme()
      SMFTME as a LocalTime.
      LocalTime SMFTME Time
      See Also:
    • smftmeRawValue

      public long smftmeRawValue()
      SMFTME raw value
      long SMFTME value
    • smfdte

      public LocalDate smfdte()
      SMFDTE as a LocalDate.
      LocalDate SMFDTE Date
      See Also:
    • smfdteRawValue

      public int smfdteRawValue()
      SMFDTE raw value.
      int SMFDTE value
    • smfsid

      public String smfsid()
      SMFSID value.
      String SMFSID value
    • smfssi

      public String smfssi()
      SMFSSI value.
      String SMFSSI value
    • smfsty

      public int smfsty()
      SMFSTY value.
      int SMFSTY value
    • smfjcsty

      public boolean smfjcsty()
      Return true if smfsty() equals SMFJCSTY.
      boolean smfsty() equals SMFJCSTY

      SMFJCSTY = 0x00

    • smfmnsty

      public boolean smfmnsty()
      Return true if smfsty() equals SMFMNSTY.
      boolean smfsty() equals SMFMNSTY

      SMFMNSTY = 0x01

    • smfststy

      public boolean smfststy()
      Return true if smfsty() equals SMFSTSTY.
      boolean smfsty() equals SMFSTSTY

      SMFSTSTY = 0x02

    • smfxqsty

      public boolean smfxqsty()
      Return true if smfsty() equals SMFXQSTY.
      boolean smfsty() equals SMFXQSTY

      SMFXQSTY = 0x03

    • smfcfsty

      public boolean smfcfsty()
      Return true if smfsty() equals SMFCFSTY.
      boolean smfsty() equals SMFCFSTY

      SMFCFSTY = 0x04

    • smfncsty

      public boolean smfncsty()
      Return true if smfsty() equals SMFNCSTY.
      boolean smfsty() equals SMFNCSTY

      SMFNCSTY = 0x05

    • smftrn

      public int smftrn()
      SMFTRN value.
      int SMFTRN value
    • smfaps

      public int smfaps()
      SMFAPS value.
      int SMFAPS value
    • smflps

      public int smflps()
      SMFLPS value.
      int SMFLPS value
    • smfnps

      public int smfnps()
      SMFNPS value.
      int SMFNPS value
    • smfass

      public int smfass()
      SMFASS value.
      int SMFASS value
    • smfasl

      public int smfasl()
      SMFASL value.
      int SMFASL value
    • smfasn

      public int smfasn()
      SMFASN value.
      int SMFASN value
    • getCompressedByteCount

      public static long getCompressedByteCount()
    • getDecompressedByteCount

      public static long getDecompressedByteCount()