Class Smf98s1024Record

public final class Smf98s1024Record extends Smf98Record
Mapping for SMF type 98 subtype 1024 (CICS) record.

Typically you would obtain Smf98s1024Record by reading SmfRecords and using


to create the specialized record after determining the record type and subtype.

Use the methods provided to read the specific sections e.g.

 try (SmfRecordReader reader = 
     for (SmfRecord record : reader)           
         Smf98s1024Record r98 = Smf98Record.from(record);
         for (ExceptionalJobIndex exJob : r98.exceptionalJobIndex())
  • Method Details

    • from

      public static Smf98s1024Record from(SmfRecord record)
      Constructs a new Smf98Subtype1024Record from an existing SMF record. The 2 records share the same data byte array.
      record - an existing SMF record
    • from

      public static Smf98s1024Record from(byte[] data)
      Constructs an Smf98Subtype1024Record from the specified byte array.
      data - a byte array containing the SMF record data
    • subtype1024WicData

      public WicData subtype1024WicData()
      Get the subtype 1024 WicData (triplets pointing to other sections)
      the com.blackhillsoftware.smf.smf98.cics.WicData
    • wicBucket1

      public List<WicBucket1> wicBucket1()
      Get a List containing CICS WIC Bucket1 sections from the record
      a list of WicBucket1 (possibly empty)
    • wicBucket2

      public List<WicBucket2> wicBucket2()
      Get a List containing CICS WIC Bucket2 sections from the record
      a list of WicBucket2 (possibly empty)
    • exceptionalJobIndex

      public List<ExceptionalJobIndex> exceptionalJobIndex()
      Get a List containing CICS Exceptional Job Index sections from the record
      a list of ExceptionalJobIndex (possibly empty)
    • exceptionalJobs

      public List<ExceptionalJob> exceptionalJobs()
      Get a List containing CICS Exceptional Job sections from the record
      a list of ExceptionalJob (possibly empty)